18歲及以上的小童視為成人。 Guests with pets will be charged a nightly fee of TWD 300 for cleaning purposes.Pet size restrictions may apply. A cash security deposit of TWD 1000 per pet is required upon check-in for charges or damages during the stay and will be refunded upon departure.The maximum number of pets allowed in each room is 2. 倘若連續入住的住客不希望重新辦理入住,而且想要留宿於相同客房,必須加收額外費用。更多相關資訊請向下榻住宿(酒店/汽車旅館)洽詢。 車庫房型的住客倘若連續住宿2晚以上,請於每日11:00 AM 前辦理退房,下午再次重新辦理入住。