飯店類型 : Hotel
交通資訊 :
Superior City Center apartment for your luxury holiday
Close to the city center, parks, art and culture, and restaurants and dining. You will love my place because of the neighborhood and the light. It is good for business travelers, families (with kids) and big groups.
步行5分鐘內可到達外幣兌換處 可使用WIFI
接送服務 : 無
停車場 : 免費停車場
外語能力 : English:有外籍員工或外語可說得像當地人般流利的員工。
飯店設施 : 禁煙房
房型資訊 :
房間設備 : 所有房間有冷暖氣設備, 電視, 錄像機或DVD, 冰箱
客房網路設備 : 有線網絡(所有客房),網路連接方式:有線 LAN/無線 LAN,沒有租用電腦服務,免費上網,Well-positioned in Naha, Kariyushi Condominium Resort Naha Kumoji Tenshikan is the ideal point of departure for your excursions in Okinawa. The hotel lies from the city center and provides accessibility to important town facilities. With its convenient location, the hotel offers easy access to the city's must-see destinations.
浴室設施 : 刮鬍刀, 浴帽, 棉花棒, 溫水洗淨馬桶, 梳子