飯店類型 : Youth hostel
交通資訊 :
旅客評點 : 3.7 (最高分 5.0)
Friendly hospitality. Extremely good access to Shin-Osaka station. All private rooms, non smoking, equipped with small kitchen and bath room.
Limited preopen price available. Our best hospitality guarantied by our friendly and knowledgable. We have prepared 5 types of rooms to accommodate different need of your journey and all 40 rooms have a private bathroom toilet.You can prepare a simple meal at your kitchen but dont forget to come by to the communal area to mingle with your new friends. To enjoy Osaka from another angle, we offer unique tours and events so come and make the most out of them! waking tour, morning runs, cooking lessons, barbecue, etc. Check out our faebook or instagrm for more info!
接送服務 : 無
停車場 : 付費停車場(JPY 800/小時)
外語能力 : English:有外籍員工或外語可說得像當地人般流利的員工。
飯店設施 : 酒吧(收費), 禁煙房
房型資訊 :
房間設備 : 所有房間有冷暖氣設備, 冰箱
客房網路設備 : 有線網絡(所有客房),網路連接方式:無線 LAN,沒有租用電腦服務,免費上網
浴室設施 : 刮鬍刀, 浴帽, 棉花棒, 溫水洗淨馬桶, 梳子