飯店類型 : Hotel
交通資訊 :
旅客評點 : 3.7 (最高分 5.0)
Inn with natural hot spring flowing directly from the source. Located in front of the station in an entertainment district where restaurants around the hotel are open until midnight.
Free Internet access (Hikari Next) available from guest rooms. Two natural hot spring baths and one sauna available in the hotel for free. French restaurant on the 10th floor that uses local foods is highly recommended!
接送服務 : 無
停車場 : 付費停車場(JPY 500/小時)
外語能力 : English:員工只會少許外語或完全不會,但有輔助的嚮導工具。
飯店設施 : 商務中心, 禁煙房, 製冰機
服務,活動設施 : 按摩(收費), 高爾夫球, 騎馬
其他 : Air freshener available in all guest rooms. We also use washable slippers (washed every time after use). (Long-staying guests are asked to use the same slippers during their stay)
房型資訊 :
房間設備 : 所有房間有冷暖氣設備, 電視, 衛星廣播, 冰箱, 熨斗
客房網路設備 : 有線網絡(所有客房),網路連接方式:有線 LAN/無線 LAN,沒有租用電腦服務,免費上網,High-speed Internet available by Hikari Next Express. LAN cable available for free(equipped in the desk drawer in guest rooms). There are five rooms with Internet access unavailable.
溫泉 : 別府温泉 天然活水溫泉*含人工溫泉。
浴室數量 : 屋内(男) 1 間, 屋内(女) 1 間, 蒸氣浴(男) 1 間
浴室設施 : 肥皂, 浴衣, 浴袍, 刮鬍刀, 浴帽, 棉花棒, 溫水洗淨馬桶, 梳子