If you want to make your trip unimaginably wonderful,don't fill out an itinerary beforehand. Just check-in, drop your luggage off and come down to the lounge to create your next travel experience through exchange with locals, staff and fellow travelers. HOTEL ESTINATION is your first destination that invites you to embark on a journey to the wonderful 'next'.
接送服務 : 無
停車場 : 付費停車場(JPY 800/小時)
外語能力 : English:員工的外語能力可進行日常會話沒有問題。
[標準登記住宿時間] 15:00- [標準退房手續時間] -10:00
飯店設施 : 酒吧(收費), 休息室, 禁煙房
其他 : If you want a razor, please feel free to ask it front desk.
房型資訊 :
西式房間 88 間
單人床 10 間 12m2
大床房 68 間 12m2
雙床房 9 間 24m2
套房 1 間
If you book Superior room, you can choose twin bed or King bed,Hollywood twin style.