飯店類型 : Hotel
交通資訊 :
旅客評點 : 4.2 (最高分 5.0)
Enjoy the Resort Lifestyle
Hotel Mahaina, located in the northern part of Okinawa's main island, is a beautiful resort hotel with convenient access to the neighboring Ocean Expo Park, Churaumi Aquarium, World Heritage sites Nakijin Castle and the Bise fukugi tree path, and numerous other famous tourist attractions and beautiful beaches. Enjoy our wonderful staff's hospitality and truly experience the resort lifestyle.
接送服務 : 無
停車場 : 免費停車場
外語能力 : English:員工的外語能力可進行日常會話沒有問題。 Korean:有外籍員工或外語可說得像當地人般流利的員工。 Chinese:有外籍員工或外語可說得像當地人般流利的員工。
飯店設施 : 室內遊泳池, 室外遊泳池, 宴會廳(收費), 休息室, 禁煙房, 製冰機
服務,活動設施 : 洗衣服務, 按摩(收費), 潛水(收費), 獨木舟(收費), 陶藝(收費), 自行車(收費), 美體理療(收費)
其他 : Indoor Pool Business Hours: 9:00-21:00 An indoor pool that still gets plenty of sunshine. Outdoor pool Business Hours: 9:00-21:00, Open from April 1 to October 31 only This outdoor pool is everything a resort should offer,including a shallow area for the kids. Beauty Spa Treatments Business Hours: 13:00-2:00 Our spa treatments include standard courses for face and body as well as more exotic ones such as Ayurvedic treatments. Tour Counter Business Hours: 08:00-20:00 Here you can find information about marine sports and other various programs you can participate in during your stay.
房型資訊 :
房間設備 : 所有房間有冷暖氣設備, 電視, 衛星廣播, 冰箱
客房網路設備 : 有線網絡(所有客房),網路連接方式:有線 LAN/無線 LAN,沒有租用電腦服務,免費上網
浴室數量 : 屋内(男) 1 間, 屋内(女) 1 間
浴室設施 : 肥皂, 浴衣, 刮鬍刀, 浴帽, 棉花棒, 溫水洗淨馬桶, 梳子